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Stones for Bread: A Novel {Review}

Stones for Bread is an delightful tale one that can only be compared to a tearful, releasing conversation you have with a friend. Sharing of all the things in your life that are bringing stress as twinges of pain sting your face with salty tears. Then just as you feel...

A Different View on Parenting

I want to take a new approach to my parenting skills. After my husband and I watched the movie Courageous, I had a yearning inside of me to develop a deeper presence in my boys’ lives. Every smile, twinkle and hug is precious to me. Moments I never want to miss...

How Do I Find Quiet to Pray?

Do you struggle with finding time to spend with God? A moment to really find peace and quiet to read and speak through prayer. Prayer is such and important part of our faith and as a mom of young children it can seem almost impossible to find quite time to pray. Just...

Does God Answer Prayer?

There are few things that you can count on in this world. Especially things that you can’t see. Does God answer prayer, really? I know that prayer can and does work. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes – more importantly I’ve seen it with my...

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